Reflections on September
September is a beautiful month in which all of the weather that the UK enjoys can be featured sporadically as if producing a highlight reel designed to challenge and excite gardeners simultaneously. The warmth of the day can't hide the chill that emerges each evening - a sign that the season is ready to start changing.
It's a month that I adore. A month that sometimes makes you feel that the summer will never end.
It is a time in the growing calendar when so many of us can sit back and enjoy each sunny day, wondering if it will be the last truly warm day of the year.
It's also a chance to reflect back on the year that has been.
Challenging growing conditions for so many, a year of extremes and perhaps a year that has demonstrated the challenges of growing your own. A year that began in national lockdown als reminded us, however, of the joys that growing your own herbs and edibles can bring to you. For so many this simple joy was a life line.
Now, I have to get back to work and enjoy the September sunshine. It might be the last really warm day of the year, after all.