The Foodie Joys of October

For us at Urban Herbs October is an exciting month.  This is a month in which the pace of work slows and we are able to enjoy the beauitful flavours that we have grown all year long.

As the evenings begin to become a little colder we will add Winter Savory and Hot n Spicy Oregano to our evening meals.  The slow cooker will once again become used daily and varieties such as BBQ Rosemary and Society Garlic will keep us fueled with delicious aromas that we will smell all day long - ahead of our evening meal.

As the nights draw in and we regain our evening leisure time we find that this brings us closer together.  Good food does that doesn't it?

We will be adding the final plants to our winter kitchen garden.  A few days ago we decided that we needed more Lemon Variegated Thyme to use over the next few months.  It was a good call.  After all, you can never have enough Thyme on your hands can you?