Creeping Red Thyme Plants
Creeping Red Thyme is a low-growing, carpet forming Thyme that has gorgeous red flowers during summer. A perfect example of living flavour being beautiful. This is a herb plant tis incredibly versatile whether it's planting into a hanging basket, an ornamental border, a vertical hanger or simply in a pot on its own as a tasty table decoration.
Creeping Red Thyme is also a variety of herb plant that the local bee population will love as a pollinator-friendly plant. One of our favourite sights is seeing bees working away busily on the flowers of Creeping Red Thyme herb plants on a summer morning when the flush of red flowers is out in full force. If you're looking for more inspiration on herbs that bees will enjoy in your garden, look no futher!
Red Creeping Thyme plants are the perfect example of a winter hardy herb plant that you can grow quite happily here in the UK throughout the colder months of the year. It's a herb plant that will look beautiful throughout the winter months before exploding into life, colour and flavour as the better weather returns. What's more, it's super easy to grow with just a little TLC needed during pruning season to keep it looking its best. To help you get the most out of your thyme plants, we've created a handy how to grow guide filled with tips and tricks to get you started.
Latin Name: Thymus serpyllum coccineus
Type: Evergreen, Perennial
Soil Type: Free draining
Where should I plant this variety? Full sun
How tall does it grow? Approx 5-10cm
How much space does it need? Approx 20cm, spreading, carpet forming.
When does it flower? Red flowers during summer
Top care tips: Prune regularly to avoid plant becoming leggy