A close up of a Basil Mint herb plant

Basil Mint Plants

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Basil Mint is a highly unusual variety of herb plant, a member of the mint family, that combines the delicious flavour of basil and mint within one highly attractive plant. This variety will grow strongly in sun or partial shade, enjoying moist soil and spreading strongly.  We would suggest keeping Basil Mint in it's own container to avoid it spreading too far!  Basil Mint is much easier to grow than traditional Basil, as it is hardy, perennial and doesn't go to seed. If you want to get the full how-to on growing mint, we'd really recommend you check out our guide which is full of tips and tricks to help you get the most from your herbs from planting to pruning. 

Your Basil Mint plant will provide you with large quantities of this absolutely beautiful flavour. Combining the traditional Mint flavour with more than a hint of Basil, chefs that we work with at Food Festivals suggest that once cooked into a dish the Mint element of the flavour is burned away, leaving a predominantly Basil flavour. This marvellous plant also features in our Foodie Adventure Collection!

If you're looking for a few other varieties of rosemary to add to your patch, then we'd recommend taking a look at the following: 

Lime Mint Plants

- Pineapple Mint Plants

Moroccan Mint Plants


          Latin Name: Mentha x piperita f. citrata 'Basil'

          Type: Perennial

          Soil Type: Moist soil

          Where should I plant this variety? Sun or partial shade

          How tall does it grow? Approx 60cm

          How much space does it need? Spreads rapidly. Keep contained

          When does it flower? Basil Mint flowers over late summer.

          Top care tips: Prune back after flowering, keep contained!


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